I have applied the following content warnings to this character:
  • NSFW Content (Sexually Explicit)
  • Child Abuse (Victim)
  • Mental Health
  • Drugs & Addiction (Substance Abuse, Smoking, Alcohol Abuse)
  • Disordered Eating (Binge Eating)
  • Police (Mention)
  • Verbal, Mental & Physical Abuse (Victim & Abuser)
  • Attempted Murder (Victim)

Aster Bianchi
Name Aster Bianchi
Nickname(s) Aster
Asshole (Affection or Insult)
Gender Male (FTM)
Pronouns He/Him
Height 5'7'' / 170cm
Weight 198lbs / 90kg
Age 21
Birthday April 3rd
Sexuality Pansexual
Nationality British
Residence Southern England
Occupation Camboy
Relatives Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Father
Relations Tyler Smith (Fitness Instructor, Crush)
Jude Adams (Knows of)
Roommates (TBC)

Aster Bianchi is mostly known by his first name and screen name, “Aster” - often stylised as “☆ster”. He is a popular camboy and regularly attends clubs and raves at which he will also do sex work. He dropped out of school at sixteen and currently lives with his roommates.


Aster has bleached blonde hair, with his natural colour being a dark brown shade and often has some roots showing at his parting. He is on the shorter side and currently sports a somewhat plump figure, but used to be thinner. He has a medium-tanned complexion, partially down to his natural skin tone, but he also regularly tans or uses fake tan. He has a noticeable scar across his face along his left jaw and nose bridge and has a small mole on his tummy, positioned top right of his navel. Aster has hip tattoos on both his sides featuring three stars on each. He also has both his collarbones pierced, featuring two microdermal implants on each side, a pierced navel, tongue, both his nipples, duke piercings, gauged earlobes and various other ear piercings - all in silver. He frequently has acrylic nails or other nail extensions, usually in white.

Aster typically wears a mix of scene, emo, punk, acubi, rave and mcbling fashion styles, usually wearing clothing with patterns and graphics on them as opposed to plain ones. He wears lace-up canvas shoes and loves silver or silver-studded jewellery, belts and other accessories. He frequently wears a simple black choker. He is particularly fond of low-rise jeans and trousers, especially bondage trousers, to show off his hip tattoos and he often has visible thong straps.

For his camming, he wears various sexually provocative outfits, accessories and lingerie, if not streaming entirely in the nude. He will sometimes wear specific things at his viewer’s requests as well within reason, provided they pay him enough and buy it for him too.


Aster is a striking, sassy individual who chases hedonism as his primary goal and focus, making him very promiscuous and a regular attendee of many clubs and raves. He is playfully chatty and interesting to engage with towards those on his good side but is rarely emotionally close to anyone.

To most, Aster appears conceited and egotistic - making him particularly self-confident unless challenged, energetic and very talkative. He has a particular knack for capturing the attention of an audience or those around him immediately from the get-go. He is very openly flirtatious around others, even with strangers, and will frequently attempt to charm others, especially if he seeks intimacy or some kind of favour or status from them.

Aster has a particular difficulty in allowing himself to become genuinely close and emotionally vulnerable with others despite being able to be physically vulnerable with far more ease. Because of this, he can be notably more nervous and anxious around those he does feel close and attached to since he views the stakes as higher than with casual friendships and relationships. Where he does feel safe and comfortable, however, he can be very openly affectionate and caring.

Aster is the type to almost always have his own perceived interests at heart and is great at being assertive and advocating for himself when he chooses to, despite his tendency to overlook the needs of others. However, wherever he feels that his needs will not be considered or met by others, he will simply refuse to engage in any meaningful way with them due to being disregarded in the past.

Aster becomes particularly angry and dysregulated during conflict and frequently ends up in them due to his temperament and can be easily offended. That said, if he does not care for the person he is in a conflict with he will often opt to snub them instead of fighting with them directly if he feels they do not deserve his time and energy. However, he gets particularly agitated if others snub him and will attempt to draw their attention to him by acting out. With people he does care about, he will quickly escalate if he feels there has been some kind of injustice against him and can be very nasty with his words and actions - even physically fighting them. Despite this behaviour, he will usually feel extremely remorseful and is apologetic afterwards but only if he can see and understand the impact on, and perspective of, the other person. Otherwise, he has a very hard time accepting fault in any situation.

He is particularly impulsive and capricious, regularly engaging in thrill-seeking, potentially dangerous activities without considering the long-term or potential consequences. This is particularly notable in his usage of drugs, regular partying and promiscuity.

He doesn’t enjoy alone time and prefers to be in the company of others, especially where he is the main focus, frequently seeking this out to bolster his self-esteem. When he is alone for longer periods, he often begins to struggle with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy without the reinforcement that being around others brings him.

Despite having a very turbulent and difficult upbringing, Aster is resilient and despite being easily affected by setbacks, is very proactive in resolving them, always envisioning success for himself and aspires to no less. This can make him perfectionistic to a fault but also very driven and goal-focused.

Aster loves music and it plays a big part in his day-to-day life, with him always listening to it while doing household tasks, travelling and shopping - essentially whenever he’s not interacting with others. His taste in music is broad and spans over 2000s pop, hyperpop, EDM, DnB, UK garage, electro house, trap, mashcore, plunderphonics, breakcore, speedcore, emo, scene and crunkcore. He prioritises having high-quality earbuds and headphones and can be very picky with sound quality.

Aster enjoys drawing and will often doodle idly or to pass the time. He does it purely for fun, so he doesn’t take it seriously. He doesn’t share it with others very much nowadays, but he did post his work online as a teenager. He draws in a typical "2000s emo" art style.

He loves going to clubs and raves and has attended them since his early teens, sneaking in until he was old enough to attend regularly. He drinks heavily at them, as well as smokes and does drugs, especially Molly. He is trying to cut back on it but finds it very hard.

He really loves fast food and will choose to eat it whenever possible because it’s tasty and convenient. He’ll happily eat the same meal over and over without getting bored if it’s a combination of his favourite menu items.

He has a harsh disdain for any authoritarianism or people with a controlling nature in general and will refuse to conform to what someone else wants him to do unless he also wants to do whatever it is they’re asking or enforcing. While this helps him to maintain his individualism, he can also be difficult to work alongside or find compromise with.


Aster was born into poverty and was located in a particularly deprived area within Northern England during his youth. Aster’s parents were very neglectful as well as psychologically abusive towards him but reserved any physical abuse to attempt to avoid detection. His parents put a lot of effort into coming across as “normal” and caring for their child in front of others, only abusing him behind closed doors.

Upon attending school, Aster was already notably behind developmentally and would frequently be disruptive and fight with his peers. Because of this, the school and authorities eventually investigated this to find the cause after a few years of persistent trouble. Aster’s parents were able to conceal their abuse of him through their maintained appearances and the acts that they put on. When questioned alone, Aster gave accounts of his parents’ abuse towards him, but he was not taken seriously or believed - it was wrongly chalked up to lying for attention or because he was mad at his parents. After this, Aster resented his school and any authorities and refused to open up to them again.

Aster struggled academically largely because he didn't engage well in his early years and was well-known for truancy during secondary school. He attended just enough to evade further scrutiny from authorities regarding his absences, but still often received punishments in the form of detentions from his school, which he usually attempted to skip. He maintained this pattern until he ultimately dropped out at the age of sixteen.

He didn’t make friends within school due to his absenteeism - never hanging around long enough to form any meaningful connections with his peers. On the contrary, other students frequently spread rumours about him and his reasons for doing this, which only further isolated him. He would travel to the town centre and hang out with other students who were also skipping, but any friendships made with them would be very surface-level, if not purely transactional.

During this time, he began doing various favours for extra cash or trades during the day and also frequently snuck into clubs and raves at night for fun and to make money this way. These favours quickly escalated into petty crime, as well as working with drug dealers who would begin to sell him weed and later Molly. Aster also began to source testosterone this way so that he could access HRT due to a lack of access to traditional means. However, the costs of these purchases and his growing dependency and addiction to drugs only further drove him to keep this cycle going.

At eighteen, Aster was kicked out by his parents the moment they legally could and had to resort to sofa surfing at the homes of anyone he could befriend enough at the clubs and raves he attended. While trying to figure out some kind of sustainable living arrangement, he decided to begin prostituting after meeting a guy who offered to let him stay at his place for a while if he had sex with him, to which he agreed. Despite resorting to it out of desperation, Aster found he particularly enjoyed prostitution and found it sexually liberating, so he decided to focus on making money this way primarily from then on.

After doing this for a while, Aster managed to get somewhat close to, but not entirely comfortable with, a few other regular club and rave attendees who were in similar positions to him in terms of housing and they collectively decided to band together to figure out a more stable living arrangement for themselves. The group decided to relocate south, moving into a small apartment, which Aster didn’t mind initially despite meaning he would need to rebuild his clientele from scratch.

Unfortunately, because it took time to get his name around, Aster had a few very rough months after moving, finding it very hard to make ends meet financially, let alone get his hands on his drugs and HRT, additionally having to seek out dealers who would be willing to source it for him again. Out of money and desperate, he attempted to steal some Molly from a guy at a club and got caught, leading to him getting grievously assaulted, with the guy attempting to kill him before the police were called and Aster managed to get away. He still has a permanent scar across his face from this incident.

Badly shaken by this experience, Aster refused to attend any more clubs or raves for a long while, which further tanked his finances. That said, it did somewhat help him limit his consumption of drinks and drugs given less exposure to opportunities to get his hands on either, but instead found himself coping with food as his vice, frequently binge eating while spending extended periods of time inside his apartment. This led to him gaining a fair bit of weight, which he still has trouble trying to manage. In the meantime, to raise funds he decided to begin camming online, figuring it was worth a shot given his situation. It was luckily a quick success for him, becoming relatively popular, and he promptly landed himself enough regulars and frequent donators to make it a viable source of income.

Once he was more comfortable with venturing out again, he began attending clubs and raves again, as well as returning to his usual prostitution as a way to further top up his income - but with his new camming schedule keeping him busy he was a little more reserved with how regularly he would attend and with his substance abuse. He’d still do them but was a bit more careful now with his usage and took more steps regarding harm reduction than he did previously.

Present Day

Aster continues to do camming successfully and relishes in the money and popularity it has brought him, earning more than enough to the point that he could very comfortably move out from his current living situation, but is currently still saving up enough funds to do so, and to afford a particularly nice place. Other than that, he wants to try and shift some of the weight that he gained after his near-death experience, so he decided to get himself a membership at the gym Tyler works at, selecting him in particular as his fitness instructor because he found him cute. However, he doesn’t take his fitness plan very seriously and rarely follows it - seemingly spending more time flirting with his new instructor than actually working out.


Tyler Smith

Tyler is Aster’s fitness instructor, but despite Tyler's efforts to keep their relationship appropriately focused on his job, Aster seems to have other ideas. He will frequently flirt with and tease his instructor, often deliberately doing his exercises “incorrectly” to show off for him, and gets a kick out of making him flustered. He’ll often offer to “hang out” after their sessions, to which Tyler will nervously decline. Despite the harassment, Tyler hasn’t exactly told him to stop or reported him to management yet though, so Aster wonders if there’s potentially something more to be made out of their dynamic.


(Sidenote: I may split this up individually if I design each of them in the future!)

Aster is not super close with any of his roommates but knows them all well enough to tolerate living with them. That said, he does enjoy going out partying with them and they do have good banter with each other and generally get along reasonably well despite the close confines of their apartment. None of them are particularly organised in terms of housekeeping and given their lifestyles their living space is usually messy or straight-up trashed. They will often be noisy be it with general chatter or sex, which Aster doesn’t particularly mind unless it wakes him up or if he’s camming. Otherwise, he can just blast his music to drown it out.

Jude Adams

Jude and Aster are aware of each other through Tyler as a result of him talking about Aster to Jude, and for Aster as a result of his flirting to warn him of his existing relationship with him. They haven't met each other yet, however. Aster is particularly keen on meeting this boyfriend of Tyler's, especially after the instructor might have let it slip to him that they're both polyamorous too - granting the prospect of working something out between the three of them.

Unnamed Parents

Aster’s parents were very neglectful as well as psychologically abusive towards him throughout his childhood. They put a lot of effort into coming across as “normal” and caring for their child in front of others, only abusing him behind closed doors. They kicked him out at eighteen and completely cut contact with him, to which Aster did the same. He feels deeply relieved to be rid of them.
